CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
12 Minute Cap:
3 Rounds of:
200m Run
:30 Side Planks
15 Ext Rot and Pres
15 DB Presses (medium weight)
15 Banded Squats
Skill Development
EMOM X 10:
1 Squat Clean and Jerk (building up to but not beyond 75%)
Metcon (Calories)
10 Minute AMRAP for max calories on the assault bike. Every 2 minutes you are to hit a Clean and Jerk @ 75% before returning back to the bike. Your score is total calories on assault bike.
For every missed Clean and Jerk subtract 10 calories from your total score.
The bike should be done at a steady pace, not max effort.
15 Minute Mobility and Foam roll session.
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