CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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20 Lunges

5 Double Push-up Inchworms

10 Banded Ext. Rotations w/ Press

10 PVC Passes

15 Banded Face Pulls

0:30 Perfect Lunge / leg

15 PVC OH Wall Squats

5 PVC Snatch Balance

15 PVC GHD Hip Extensions

15 V-Ups

DONE TOGETHER (empty barbell:

5 B/N Snatch Grip Presses

0:10 Snatch Grip Overhead Hold

5 Pause OHS

5 Good Mornings

5 B/N Sotts Press

5 Snatch


Snatch (1 EMOM x 10)

Build up in weight throughout, form permitting.

Please DO NOT add weight to a bar after failing a lift, or even running the platform. Focus on technique and nail it before you think about adding weight.


Metcon (Time)

30 Toes-to-bars

40 Single-arm Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

50 Dumbbell Box Step-overs (24/20)

40 Single-arm Dumbbell Snatches

30 Toes-to-bars
13 minute timecap

Scale so that 30 T2B can be done in 2-3 subsets at the most to start. Snatches shouldn’t be very heavy and should be performed in ‘relentless singles’ fashion.

**The Dumbbell Box Step-overs are done with the same DB for Snatches (1 DB) and you MUST TURN AROUND on the box BEFORE stepping down.**

You can hold the DB anywhere, but it cannot touch your legs or the box at any time.