CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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10 PVC Passes

1:00 of Single Unders

0:30 of Double Unders

15 Pushups

15 Band Pull Aparts

30 Hollow Rocks

10 Banded Low Ext. Rotations / side

15 Banded Ext. Rotations w/ Press

10 Wipers / side

10 Scorpions / side

15 Banded Glute Bridges

1:00 Side Plank / side

1:00 Handstand “Stuff”

Bench Press (5×5 @ YOUR PICK)

20 minutes

Choose a weight between 75-85%

Metcon (Time)

100 Double Unders

75 Sit-ups


25 Calorie Row
12 minute timecap

Scale so that 100 DU can be performed in 2 minutes of less. Scale HSPU down to a means where you can complete 15+ reps to start- 1 Abmat is the most permitted for scaling HSPU, otherwise Seated Straddled Barbell Shoulder Press.