CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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2 Rounds:

(EMOM x 6)

1) 200m Run

2) Inchworms

3) Side Plank (alternate as needed)

4) Hollow Hold

5) Cossack Squats

6) Cobras (2.5lbs)

Accessory Work


Monster Walk (Forward and Reverse)

Lateral Steps (Down and Back)

10 Lateral Bounds (Per leg)(Dots)

5 Figure 8’s (Per Leg) (Dots)

Metcon (Time)

For time:

12 Calories on Bike, Erg or Rower

60m Sled Sprint

12 Calories on Bike, Erg or Rower

45m Sled Sprint

12 Calories on Bike, Erg or Rower

30m Sled Sprint

12 Calories on Bike, Erg or Rower

15m Sled Sprint

12 Calories on Bike, Erg or Rower

*The Sled Sprints are to be done in 15m sprints. I’m expecting to have two or three people on each sled cycling every 15m.



:90 Per:

Hamstring Stretch (coaches choice)

Pigeon Stretch

Couch Stretch

Front Rack/Lat PVC Stretch (over GHD or Box)

Foam Roller Pec Stretch