CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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30 Walking Lunges

20 V-Ups

10 Wipers / side, 10 Scorpions / side

10 Scap Pullups

15 Band Pull Aparts

15 Palloff Presses / side

10 PVC Passes, 15 PVC GHD Hip Extensions

10 Cossack Squats

5 Strict Pullups, 5 Big Kips

10 High Five Squats

10 DB Squats (moderate)

Metcon (Time)

2 Partners (alternating rounds)

10 Rounds of:

10 Toes-to-Bar and 10 Calorie Bike

10 Rounds of:

10 DB Lunges (60/35) and 10 Calorie Row

10 Rounds of:

10 DB Thrusters (60/35) and 100m run
time cap: 35 minutes (no rest between segments)

*1 Dumbell only*

All reps on all exercises should be done unbroken for the entirety of the workout. Scale weights/exercises to promote that.

Score is total rounds and reps completed as a team. Comment with your teammate’s name.