CrossFit ATR – Barbell Club
The start of AOSeries 3 programming. This is a meet you had to qualify for, but that doesn’t mean you can’t join in on the gain train! Start and commit to this cycle! You’ll learn more on this cycle than any previously.
Snatch (10×2, E2M, ending in 75%)
For example:
1. 50%
2. 50%
3. 55%
4. 55%
5. 60%
6. 60%
7. 65%
8. 65%
9. 70%
10. 75%
Clean and Jerk (10×2, E3M, ending in 75%)
Front Squat (Build to a Heavy Single)
Then 5×3 @ 85% of heavy single. Note in comments.
RDL (5-5-5-5)
Romanian Deadlifts
65-75-80-85% of Clean
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