CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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2 Rounds:

10 Lateral dot drill bounds (per leg)

5 Figure 8 dot drills (per leg)

:30 Perfect Lunge

10 Pushups with Rotation

10 External Rotation and Press

10 Ext Rot Low

DB Rows (8-8-8-8 (10 minute Cap))

8 Per Side

We will superset this with 8 DB Windmills per side

Metcon (Time)


2 Minutes of accumulated side planks


4 Rounds:

12 Ring Pushups

24 Sandbag or D-ball Lunges

200-meter Sandbag or DBall Carry


1 Mile Run

+Ring push-ups should be done by everyone just change angles to allow for an opening set of 12

(elevated pushups from a box -> pushups from floor -> pushups from an angle)

+the first 24 paces of the 200m run are to be your lunges then continue the 200m carry as a run


1 Minute Per:

Pigeon Stretch

Couch Stretch

PVC External Rot/Lat Stretch over a box or GHD

Pec Stretch