CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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200m Run

20 Walking Lunges

15 Banded Squats

10 Low External Shoulder Rotations /arm

5 Double Pushup Inchworms

10 PVC Passes

10 PVC GHD Hip Extensions

30 Hollow Rocks

5 Wall Walks

Couch Stretch x 1min/leg

10 DB Thrusters (light-moderate)


20 minutes (total) to find 1RM Shoulder Press, then Thruster.

Shoulder Press (1 RM)

Thruster (1 RM)


Partner Workout: 2 person

: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP of:

5 thrusters (95/65)

10 pushups

*one round per athlete, switching each round

**buy in: 800m run (together)

rx+ 115/75
Scale so that you can do the 5/10 unbroken, without any trouble to start.

score: total rounds for your team (comment with your partner’s name and a say something about them – preferably nice)