CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
400m Run
1:00 Front Plank, 0:30 Side Plank / side
15 banded squats
10 Wipers / side, 10 Scorpions / side
15 PVC Passes
15 PVC GHD Hip Extensions
20 aKBS
20 v-ups
2 rounds of: w/(45/35)
5 Press
5 B/N Thrusters
5 Good Mornings
Power Clean (8 mins to find a 1 RH)
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
1 clean (155/105), 100m run
2 cleans, 100m run
3 cleans, 100m run
…cont along this pattern…
10 cleans, 100m run
Immedietely Into:
50 push ups and 50 cal bike
TIME CAP: 25 mins
Make sure weight selected, can touch n go for 5 cleans
* any type of clean permitted,
but must touch ground each time
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