CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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5 Scap Pushups

5 Double Pushup Inchworms

15 Air Squats

15 Banded Low External Rotations

10 Banded External Rotations w/ Press

5/5 Single Arm Kneeling Bottom’s Up KB Shoulder Presses (light-moderate)

0:30 Hanging Hollow Body Hold

Skill Development

Wall Walk

Handstand Hold (with wall)

Headstand Hold

Freestanding Headstand Hold

Strict HSPU (w/ AbMats assistance)

Kipping HSPU

Freestanding HSPU

Deficit HSPU

Metcon (Time)


Ring Dips



2 Rounds of:

20 Push Presses (95/65)

60 Double Unders

Rx+: Strict Ring Dips + Push Press (115/75)
Scale so that you start 21 Ring Dips in 3 subsets or less and can perform 21 Pushups unbroken (maybe not after ring dips, but have at least this starting capacity). Push Press weight should be a weight you can handle for 20 in a row. Scale Double Unders down to an amount you can perform in 1 minute.