CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit
Bear Crawl —> and and <--- (moderate/HEAVY)
1 Round of:
10 DB Push Press (moderate)
15 GHD Hip Extensions
Push Press (3-3-3-3-3)
15 minutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 16
Minute 1- 12 Alternating DB Snatch (60/40)
Minute 2- 15 Push Press (115/75)
Minutes 3+4- 200m Run (can combine into a 400m Run)
Score: Rounds successfully completed.
Push Presses are from the floor. Scale so that each of the movements can be completed unbroken at the start.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 16
Minute 1- 12 Alternating DB Snatch (60/40)
Minute 2- 15 Push Press (115/75)
Minutes 3+4- 200m Run (can combine into a 400m Run)
Score: Rounds successfully completed.
Push Presses are from the floor. Scale so that each of the movements can be completed unbroken at the start.
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