CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit
400m Run
10 Inchworms
400 Row
15 Banded Low External Rotations/ side
Walking Lunge —>
Walking Toe Touch <---
20 Hollow Rocks
50 Single Unders
10 GHD Situps
1:00 Handstand “Stuff”
20 MB Russian Twists (20/14)
0:30 of Double Under Practice
1:00 of Jump Rope Crossovers
Rocky Balboa (Time)
200 Single Unders
50 GHD Situps
150 Single Unders
50 Weighted Situps (40/30)
100 Single Unders
50 MB Russian Twists (20/14)
50 Double Unders
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Jump Rope Crossovers
50 KB Lunges (53/35 per hand)
*Every 5 minutes, run 400 meters
30 minute timecap
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