CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit


500m Row

10 Scap Pullups

10 Inchworms

15 GHD Hip Extensions

20 Banded Squats

Walking Toe Touches —>

Bear Crawl <---
15 Banded Ys and Low External Rotations/side

0:30 Hanging L-Sit

1:00 of Handstand “Stuff”

Capt. David Lyon

The Lyon (Time)

5 rounds, each for time of:

165-lb. squat cleans, 7 reps

165-lb. shoulder-to-overheads, 7 reps

7 burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Ideally, use a pull-up bar that is 6 inches above your max reach when standing.

Post time for each round to comments.
Women’s weight: 115

Determine the weight by what you would be able to shoulder-to-overhead for 7 in a row.