CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit
1:00 Wall Sit
Walking Lunge –>
Walking Toe Touches <--
15 Banded Squats
10 KB Goblet Squats
15 Banded Ext Rotations
15 Band Pull Aparts
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Situps
1:00 Handstand “Stuff”
10 Front Squats (45/35)
Front Squat (3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90%)
15 minutes
Don’t forget, you’re going off of 90% of your 1RM as your 1RM unless you didn’t PR last cycle.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min AMRAP of:
50-ft. Handstand Walk (Rx+) or 10 HSPU (Rx)
50-ft. Broad Jump
50-ft. DB Lunge (50/35)
For scoring purposes, each 10 ft. increment = 1 rep, totaling 15 reps per round, unless doing HSPU, which in that case is 20 reps per round.
Scale HSPU to a means where you are capable of doing 10 in a row.
Scaling for HSPU: HSPU with 1 AbMat –> HSPU w/ 1 AbMat + 25 lbs plate –> Wall Walks (4 per round) —> Seated Straddle Strict Press (20 per round)
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