CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

Next week we max out!


20 Banded T’s and Low External Rotations (per side)

15 Scap Pushups

15 Pushups

Walking Lunges —>

Walking Toe Touches <---
Accumulate 1:00 in Hollow Body Hold

1:00 Handstand “Stuff”

10 Rope Knee-to-Elbows

Bench Press (5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%)

12 minutes

Superset each bench set with a submaximal set of Strict Pullups (ideally about 10)

Metcon (Time)

400m D-Ball Run (40/30)

4 Rope Climbs (15 ft)

400m D-Ball Run

3 Rope Climbs

400m D-Ball Run

2 Rope Climbs

400m D-Ball Run

1 Rope Climb

Rx+: Legless
Rope Climb Sub: 4 Hitch to Stands. If shins are tearing or you came unprepared for rope climbs, sub with 4 Rope Knee-to-Elbows OR 5 Pullups per Rope Climb.