One more challenging EMOM…

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWarm-up15 Banded Low External Rotations 15 Banded T’s 0:30 Hollow Body Hold 15 Scap Pullups 15 Scap Pushups 15 Lunges/ leg 0:15 Hanging Hollow Body Hold 0:15 Hanging L-Sit 10 GHD Hip ExtensionsWeighted Pull-ups (5-4-3-2-1)Sumo...


CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWarm-up5 Double Pushup Inchworms 10 Banded T’s, Y’s, Low External Rotations 15 Bicycle Situps (each side) 20 Wipers 25 Band Pull Aparts 0:30 Handstand “Stuff” 1:00 of Pallof Presses (each side)DB Bench Press...

Front Squats

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWe’ll be moving towards an instructor guided warm-up, so when you get in, wait for your instructor to start each and every movement. No man gets left behind anymore. If you run late, you’ll join in where the class is and make...

Week 9- Day 1

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubFortius’ Halloween Meet is next weekend! Come down and support our athletes competing! Schedule to be posted soon.Snatch (1RM)20 minutes. 3 strike rule in effect. Guideline sets: 1- 50% x2 2- 60% x2 3- 70% 4- 75%...