CrossFit ATR – CrossFit


1:00 on, 0:15 off

1- Banded Ext. Rotations

2-Alternating Lunges in place

3- Russian Twists

4- Handstand “Stuff”



Instructor led Practice TGU

Turkish Get Up (Build to Heaviest on each side)

If you can hit the 70/53 KBs, feel free to move on to a barbell today.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

EMOM x14

Odd minutes: 15 Russian KBS (53/35)

Even minutes: 15 OHL (single-arm)
Make sure to alternate arms every time you do the lunges. Score = Successful Rounds completed


Good Mornings (3×10 @ Your Pick)

The weight is not the issue here, but more of form. For those super-flexible, sub with 5×5 of GHRs instead.