Pull, Push, Snatch

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWeighted Pull-ups (Build to 1RM)10 minutesShoulder Press (3-3-3-3-3)12 minutesMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)14 minute AMRAP of: 21 Pullups 15 HSPU 9 DB Snatch (70/40)


CrossFit ATR – CrossFitShoulder, Hips and Core Stability (No Measure)Mobility1-Mile Run (Time)Max Effort 1-Mile Run

Complex Week!

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubThis week serves as our “off” week where we will retest some of our older complexes. Next week 8/20 will start our weightlifting cycle for the Fortius Halloween Meet 2017, October 21-22. If you’re interested in...

Leg Day

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWeighted Step-ups (Build to a Heavy Triple/leg)12 minutes. Use a box height that puts you right at parallel, no more or less. Use plates to make it as exact as possible. Start on weaker leg!Metcon (Calories)20 Down To 1 Cals Assault Bike...

Ring Dips + Farmer’s Walks

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitMetcon (Time)100m Farmers Carry (70/44) 25 Ring dips 100m Farmers Carry (70/44) 20 Ring dips 100m Farmers Carry (70/44) 15 Ring dips 100m Farmers Carry (70/44) 10 Ring dips 100m Farmers Carry (70/44) 5 Ring dipsFloor Press...