Week 4- Deload

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubSnatch (10×2)Every 2 minutes, together. Building up to 70% for the last set.Clean and Jerk (8×2)Every 3 minutes, together. Building up to 70% for the last set.Front Squat (Build to 85%)RDL (2×5 @ 75%...

Hero WOD- Brian

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitBrian (Time)3 Rounds for time of: 5 Rope Climbs, 15′ 25 Back Squats, 185#In honor of U.S. Navy Special Warfare Operator Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Brian R. Bill, 31, of Stamford, CT, died on August 6, 2011To learn more about Brian...

Hero WOD- JT

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitOn Fridays, we flexJ.T. (Time)21-15-9 Handstand Push-ups Ring Dips Push-upsIn honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005To learn more about J.T. click hereSkill...


CrossFit ATR – CrossFitGriff (Time)For Time: Run 800 meters Run 400 meters backwards Run 800 meters Run 400 meters backwardsIn honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad.To learn more about Griff...

Week 3- CSG Buildup

CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubBack Squat (Build to Heavy Single)then 3×5 @ 80% of Heavy SingleHang Snatch (5×2 @ 85%)Bulgarian Split Squat (1 min AMRAP/leg)Single Leg Squat w/rear foot elevated on bench, box, or similar.Ideally using 1/3...