Squats and shuttle sprints

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWeightliftingBack Squat (5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%)MetconMetcon (AMRAP – Reps)5 Rounds (:90 Work/:90 Rest) 200m Shuttle Sprint into Max Ring Rows RX= Elevated Ring Rows (18″ Box)


CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubYes, you should still do it. If you’ve missed a previous week of the back squat program, today is a great day to catch up then.Snatch (Build to 75%)Over 7 sets. Work technique. DO NOT go over.Clean and Jerk (Build to...

Bench 1 RM

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitCore DevelopmentIn warmupWeightliftingBench Press (15 Minutes to Find 1RM)MetconMetcon (Time)For Time: Run 1000m 40 Ring Dips 4 Rope Climbs Rx+=Legless Rope Climbs Sub- 8 Reverse Grip Pull-ups per 1 Rope...

Recovery and Mobility

CrossFit ATR – CrossFitMetconMetcon (Distance)E3MOM x 5 Rounds: Run 200 Meters Max Distance on rower with remaining time.Mobility30 Minutes of Mobility Hips, Shoulders, Quads