CrossFit ATR – Barbell Club
Yes, you should still do it. If you’ve missed a previous week of the back squat program, today is a great day to catch up then.
Snatch (Build to 75%)
Over 7 sets. Work technique. DO NOT go over.
Clean and Jerk (Build to 75%)
Over 5 sets. Do NOT go over.
Back Squat (Build to 80%)
Try to limit rests to less than 2 minutes
Week 1- 4×8 @ 70%
Week 2- 5×8 @ 75%
Week 3- 5×5 @ 80%
Week 4- 5×5 @ 85%
Week 5- 3×3 @ 90%
Week 6- DELOAD (Single @ 80%)
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