by CrossFitATR2015_main | Apr 10, 2016 | WOD
CrossFit ATR – Barbell ClubWe will go over registering for USAW and the Cal State Games today. It’s important this is done soon. Be on time or miss it! For those competing, see me for programming if you have not done so yet.Barbell GHD Hip Extensions...
by CrossFitATR2015_main | Apr 9, 2016 | WOD
CrossFit ATR – CrossFitSkill DevelopmentWhat to know when you RowMetcon (5 Rounds for time)Row a sub 1:30 /500m pace for as long as possible Rest 3 Minutes Row a sub 1:35 /500m pace for as long as possible Rest 3 Minutes Row a sub 1:40 /500m pace for as long as...
by CrossFitATR2015_main | Apr 8, 2016 | WOD
CrossFit ATR – CrossFitMobilitySquat TherapyMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Reps)4 Rounds: 1 Minute Max Reps Back Squat (@ Bodyweight) 2 Minutes Rest 1 Minute Max Reps Double Unders* 1 Minute Rest*5 Double Unders = 1 Rep
by CrossFitATR2015_main | Apr 7, 2016 | WOD
CrossFit ATR – CrossFitWarm-upMetcon (No Measure)Run 400 Row 400 2x 3 Sided Plank (:30) Banded Walking (Monster Walk and Lateral Steps) 2x Banded Ext Rot w/ Press 10 2x Banded T 10 20 Cobras (2.5) 4x 20 Second Hollow HoldSkill DevelopmentMetcon (No Measure)20...
by CrossFitATR2015_main | Apr 6, 2016 | WOD
CrossFit ATR – CrossFitSkill DevelopmentKettlebell SnatchMetconHall (Time)5 Rounds for time of: 3 Cleans, 225# 200m Sprint 20 Kettlebell Snatches, 1.5 pood (10 each arm) Rest 2 minutesIn honor of U.S. Air Force Capt. Ryan P. Hall, of Colorado Springs, Colorado,...
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