CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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400m Run

5 Double Push-up Inchworms

15 Air Squats

15 GHD Hip Extensions

10 Banded Pull Aparts

10 Walking Toe Touches

15 Banded Low Ext. Rotations / side

15 Banded Glute Bridges

10 Jumps over Bench


Bench Press (5-5-5-5-5)

15 minutes

Do not aim for a 5RM here. Get moderately heavy for the last set, but don’t set PRs here. Aim for 80% on the last set AT THE HEAVIEST.


Tin Man (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 minute AMRAP of:

5 Bench Press @ BW

5 Power Cleans @ BW
Scale to a weight where you can bench the 5 reps unbroken for a few rounds at least. Power Cleans should be a weight to maintain ‘relentless singles.’ This is definitely meant to be a slower style, more strength focused metcon, but remember it’s still a metcon!