CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit


0.5 mile Bike

5 Inchworms (no pushup)

15 GHD Hip Extensions

35 DU or 1:00 of Practice

10 Scap Pullups

10 Scap Pushups

10 Wipers

10 Scorpions

15 Banded Low External Rotations/side

10 Big Ass Kips

50m Sled Push

Metcon (Time)

100 Double Unders

90 Walking Lunges

80 Situps

70 RKBS (53/35)

60 Calories (30 Row + 30 Bike)

50m Sled Push (255/175)

40 KB SDHP (53/35)

30 Pullups

20 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)

10 Manmakers (40/30)

EMOM: 3 Burpees (on to a 45 lbs. plate)

Sled Weights: Men Rx = 4×45, Women Rx= 4×25