CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

We’ll be moving towards an instructor guided warm-up, so when you get in, wait for your instructor to start each and every movement. No man gets left behind anymore. If you run late, you’ll join in where the class is and make up all movements missed after it is done (which may run into the strength work, so don’t be late).


30 Hollow Rocks

15 V-Ups

30 Air Squats

15 GHD Hip Extensions

Empty Barbell Front Squat Work

Ankle Mobility Work

Metcon (Weight)

Front Squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

*Post total load (add up all six barbell loads) to comments.

To be done in 35 minutes. Once weights go on the bar, clock begins. After 35 minutes, no reps can be accrued. Whatever sets you missed don’t get added to the total.

E.G. 315-225-285-205-275-135 = 1440 lbs.
A fail on any set means you will have to repeat that set. It only counts if all reps are done unbroken, so choose your weights very carefully and push hard enough to make sure you finish. Messing that up can get pretty expensive.

30 Cal Ski Erg (Time)

30 Cal Ski Erg