CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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– 2:00 Bike

– 10 T-Inchworm w/Push-Up

– 5E World’s Greatest Stretch

– 20 Alternating Toe Touch in Plank

– 5E Alternating Cossack Lunge

Then perform 2 rounds of the following:

– 12E Deadbug w/Plate (in Palms) (15/10)

– 12 Alternating Tall Kneeling Halos w/Plate

– 12 Bent Over Row w/Plate

– 12 Squats w/Plate Press

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

A) 10:00 AMRAP w/Partner:

– 3 Bar Muscle-Ups

– 6 Double DB Box Step Overs (50/35)

* REST 2:00, then proceed to B

B) 10:00 AMRAP w/Partner:

– 6 C2B Pull-Ups

– 9/6 Calorie ECHO Bike

* REST 2:00, then proceed to C

C) 10:00 AMRAP w/Partner:

– 9 Pull-Ups

– 12 Wall Balls (20/14)
* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: C2B/Pull-Ups/Banded Pull-Ups, DB (35/25)

* Level 1: Hand Release Push-Ups/Banded Pull-Ups/Ring Rows

* Athlete Notes: Rep ranges are set so that you can move quickly (<:45) to tap out your partner and have a 1:1 work/rest ratio. The majority of your rounds, when you are the athlete at work, should be unbroken. Start with your partner at the rig. At 3-2-1-GO, perform your gymnastics and then head out to the floor where you will complete your other movement (Lane 1: Box Step Overs, Lane 2: Bike, Lane 3: WB) and then run back to tag in your partner.


Minute 1: :20E Eagle in Saddle

Minute 2: :45 Puppy Pose

Minute 3: :20E Half Kneeling Hamstring

Minute 4: :45 Frog Pose