CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
1 Round:
– 2:00 Row/Ski
– 15 Banded Dislocates
– 15 Supinated Band Pull Apart
– 15 Banded Good Morning
– 15 Banded Shoulder Press
Then, perform 4 Rounds of the following: (REST :30-1:00)
– 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
– 3 Snatch High Pull
– 1 Power Snatch
* Progress in weight over 4 Rounds
Then, build to 80% 1RM Power Snatch
Power Snatch
Every :45 for 20 Sets (15:00)
– 1 Power Snatch @ 80%
* Athlete Notes: Each rep must be performed with a laser focus on bracing properly before pulling off the floor. Keep your arms long, drive off the floor with those legs, and pull aggressively to the bar.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
9:00 ARMAP:
– 2 Double DB Hang Power Clean (50/35)
– 4 Shuttle Runs (20′ Down + 20′ Back = 1)
– 2 Double DB Shoulder to Overhead (50/35)
* Add 2 HPC/S2O every round
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: DB (35/25)
* Level 1: DB (25/15)
* Athlete Notes: With a short time domain and lower rep sets to start with, don’t get baited into moving too fast. Move with a sense of purpose to accomplish each movement in a smooth fashion but one that will set you up for success with each transition. Save some gas in the tank for the final couple of minutes to start to really hang on for those larger sets.
Minute 1: :45 Wall Assisted Piriformis Stretch (R)
Minute 2: :45 Wall Assisted Piriformis Stretch (L)
Minute 3: :45 Seated Straddle
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