CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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General: 1 Round

1:30 Ski/Row

– 15E Dead Bug

– 15 Scapular Pull-Ups (Controlled)

– 15 Band Pull Apart

Standing Shoulder Internal/External Rotation

3-Direction Lunge (Forward, Lateral, Reverse)

Standing Shoulder Internal/External Rotation

– 15 Band Pull Apart (Overhead)

– 15 Scapular Pull-Up Plus

– 15E Deadbug

– 1:30 Row/Ski

Skill Development

Kipping Progressions

– Kip Swings (Compact)

– Kipping Pull-Up (Building Drill)

– Kipping Pull-Up (Half Pause Drill)

– Kipping Pull-Up (Pause Drill)


Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

6 Sets: 3:30 AMRAP (REST 1:30)

– 30/24 Calorie Ski

30 Alternating Jumping Lunges (R1/L2)

– AMRAP Hold

Odd Sets: L-Hang from Pull-Up Bar

Even Sets: Farmer Hold w/KBs (70/53)
Scaling Options:

– 24/18 Calorie Ski, 15E Split Squats, Bent Knee OR Dead hang, KB Farmer Hold (53/35)


Skill Notes:

– Take athletes through a series of kipping progressions starting with achieving solid control through arch/hollow positions on the pull-up bar. From there, allow athletes to increase their ROM only if showing a high level of control. Athletes can then advance to performing standard kipping pull-ups. NO athlete is too advanced to work on positional drills performing standard kipping pull-ups. It not only gets advanced athletes to revisit the basics, but can also help develop a higher level of body control, positional awareness, and creates an environment to work on improving grip endurance if performing higher repetition sets. Watch the video links attached to help guide your athletes through this skill portion. If athletes are advanced, and after taking time for instruction, encourage them to perform a 5:00 EMOM of 5-6 Kipping Pull-Up Pause Reps w/:02 Hold at the top. Take an additional 5:00 to brief athletes on the conditioning work for the day.

Metcon Notes:

– Ski Calories should be a number where athletes would be finishing <2:00. This will allow athletes to get right on the jumping lunges and perform these in <:40. With time to transition, athletes will have approximately :30+ to complete a MAX EFFORT Hold. Encourage athletes to hang on until the time cap, BUT if they need to drop and shake out their arms, get them right back on to their hold as quickly as possible until the working timer expires.