CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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– 1:30 Row/Bike

– 8E 90/90 Shin Box Rotations w/Hip Lift

– 8E Shoulder CARs

– 8E World’s Greatest Stretch (Rotation Only)

– 8E Prone IYTW

Then, perform 3 Rounds of the following: (REST :30-1:00)

– 3 Snatch Grip Deadlift

– 3 Hang Power Snatch

– 3 Overhead Squat

* Build in weight across 3 sets


Snatch (1×1)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

A) 10:00 Alternating EMOM

M1: 15/12 Calorie Row

M2: 15 Wall Balls (20/14)

– REST 5:00 –

B) 15:00 EMOM

M1: 1 Snatch w/50%

M2: 1 Snatch w/60%

M3: 1 Snatch w/70%

M4-M15: 1 Snatch w/75%

– REST 5:00 –

C) 10:00 Alternating EMOM

M1: 15/12 Calorie Row

M2: 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
Score is completed rounds

Scaling Options:

– 12/9 Calorie Row, WB (14/10), Power Snatch + OHS


Metcon notes:

Starts with a 10:00 alternating EMOM of Rowing and Wall Balls. Each station should take NO LONGER than

:40-:45 to perform. If that doesn’t seem possible from the beginning, consider reducing calorie counts and/or wall

ball weight/reps. Refer to the scaling options. You will be starting with this AND finishing with this in a more fatigued

state. For the main snatch EMOM portion, athletes will begin their first minute with 50%, then move to 60%, then 70% on

the third minute, ending at 75% for the following 12 minutes. This will allow athletes time to build properly towards

completing percentage work in a fatigued state. After finishing the snatches, athletes will move back to the row and

wall ball piece as a finisher.