CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
– 1:00 Bike
– 8E Alternating Toe Touch In Plank
– 8 Alternating Samson Lunge w/Lateral Flexion
– 6E Direction Lateral Hand Walk
– 8 Sumo Squat w/Thoracic Reach
– 8E Alternating Side Planks
2 Rounds of the following out of rack:
– 4E Strict Press to Behind the Neck Strict Press
– 8 Barbell Good Morning
– 8 Back Squat (1st Round: Narrow, 2nd Round: Normal)
Then, Build to 65% 1RM Back Squat
Back Squat (3×6)
Back Squat
3 X 6 w/65% + 30lbs
* Perform every 3:00
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
Every 5:00 for 20:00:
– 25’ HS Walk
– 5 Shuttle Runs (25’ Down 25’ Back)
– 20 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)
– 5 Shuttle Runs (25’ Down 25’ Back)
– 25’ HS Walk
Goal: <3:00 EACH Round
Score: Completed rounds in under 3 min.
Scaling Options:
3 Wall Walks OR 50’ Bear Crawl, Reduce DB Weight to potentially perform unbroken
Metcon Notes:
These rounds are meant to be performed in a smooth fashion. If you foresee yourself being held up by a particular movement, consider a
scaling option. You should be able to perform your HS Walks in no more than 3 attempts. Shuttle Runs should be performed quickly. Dumbbell
Snatches should be viewed as something you could perform unbroken OR in NO MORE than 2 sets. The second set of shuttle runs should be
performed with similar intensity. The final HS Walk is there to test our ability to perform a skill under a level of metabolic and muscular fatigue.
Additional Notes:
– Placing a HS Walk at the beginning helps athletes focus on a higher demand skill while relatively fresh to stimulate the CNS and create
potential for a more efficient or “dialed in” second attempt even when under a level of fatigue. With a complimentary 1:1-ish work/rest ratio, this
helps athletes work on a skill in both a low stress (beginning) AND high stress (end) scenario while accumulating volume.
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