CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
200m Run
2 rounds:
5 Inchworms with 2 PU
10 Air Squats
10E Banded external rotation
10E Banded Cuban Press
10 Greatest Stretch
10 Lat Pullups
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4, 8 min AMRAP’s (1:30 rest/transition between each piece)
Partner (you go, I go)
1) 5 Man Makers (50/35), 20 DU
2)3 Burpee, 3 Pushups, 9 Air Squats
3) Ski (10/8) 20 sit-ups
4) 5 pullups (strict), 10 push press (50/35), 10 alternating lunges
*Score is total rounds and reps
*Level 4: RX+ GHDSU, Lunges with 50lbs weights (held in any position)
*Level 3:RX
*Level 2: 40/25lbs, Kipping PU
*Level 1: 30/10lbs, assisted PU from a low bar
30 sec Calf Stretch
45 sec Cat/Cow
30 sec lizard
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