CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
1.) 2 Rounds (0:00-8:00)
– 1:00 Machine of Choice
– 15 Band Pull Apart
– 10E Bird Dog
– 8 Alternating KB Pull Through in Plank
* Spend 6:00 on S.F.P explanation and for athletes to prepare.
2.) Bench Press + Barbell Row
Every 2:00 for 12:00 (6 Alternating Sets) (14:00-26:00)
– Interval 1: 7 Bench Press (w/60%+) + 14 Hand-Release Push-Ups
– Interval 2: 7 Bent Over Row (AHAP) + 7E KB Gorilla Row (Moderate) (
* See workout notes below.
* Spend 6:00 for E.S.D briefing and to get prepared for the workout.
Bench Press
Bent Over Row
KB Gorilla Row
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20:00 ALT EMOM: (32:00-52:00)
MIN 1) :30 AMRAP Bar Muscle-Ups
MIN 2) :30 AMRAP Wall Walks
MIN 3) :30 Double KB Front Rack Hold (Heavy)
* Score is reps accumulated for bar muscle-ups and wall walks
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: Banded BMU
* Level 1: Jumping BMU or, Half-ROM Wall Walks or Inchworms,
* See workout notes below.
* Spend 6:00 letting the athletes clean up and prepare for the accessory piece.
4.) 6:00 EMOM (54:00-60:00)
Minute 1: Puppy Pose
Minute 2: :30E Thread the Needle
Minute 3: :30E Twisted Lizard
S.F.P. Notes:
Start your first set at 60% of your 1RM and continually build across the 3 sets each to the heaviest possible set for each movement for 7 reps. If you DO NOT have a 1RM, start with a weight you feel would be challenging for a set of 10 and increase weight over sets to find heaviest 7 for the day. Bent Over Rows do not have to be unbroken, but they should be done with a full ROM, tight back, and completed under :30.
E.S.D. Notes:
Accumulate as many reps in :30 as possible for each movement. Movements DO NOT have to be unbroken but it should be your goal to take quick breaks to accumulate as much volume as possible.
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