CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 2 Rounds

– 200M Run

– 8E Quadruped Hip Rotations

– 8E Deadbug

– 6E Single Arm DB Arnold Press

– 6E “2 UP 1 DOWN” Ring Row


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2.) BURN (Bodybuilding)

2a.) 6:00 AMRAP:

– 10/8 Calorie Row

– 8 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Bicep Curl to Press (R)

– 8 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Bicep Curl to Press (L)

* 1:00 REST, then proceed to 2b.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2b.) 6:00 AMRAP:

– 9/7 Calorie Bike

– 50’E Single Arm DB Suitcase Carry

– 8E DB Reverse Lunge (Held in Front Rack) (Same Single DB)

* 1:00 REST, then proceed to 2c.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2c.) 6:00 AMRAP:

– 8 Single Arm DB Renegade Row (R)

– 8 Single Arm DB OH Forward Lunge (R)

– 8 Single Arm DB Renegade Row (L)

– 8 Single Arm DB OH Forward Lunge (L)
*Single Arm Renegade row is performed with all reps completed on side with DB while non-loaded side provides the support for the duration of all reps.



3:00mins each in as few sets as possible of the following

-Paralette Bar L-Sit

– Handstand Hold

*rest :30 between each set. Move directly from L-Sit to HS Hold then rest. Keep track of time accumulated until 3:00mins is reached.


3.) 8:00 Alternating EMOM

Minute 1: :30E Eagle in Saddle

Minute 2: :30E Lizard

Minute 3: :30E Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

Minute 4: 1:00 Puppy Pose