CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
1a.) Before Class Hour
– Foam Roll: T-Spine/Lat/Hamstring/Calf
– Side Lying Thoracic Windmill: 2 X 8E
– Single Leg Stand: 2 X :30E (Eyes closed if possible)
1.) 1 Round (0:00-12:00)
– 2:00 Bike/Ski (Increase pace every :30)
– 25’ Quad w/Reach
– 25’ Knee Hug to Inverted Toe Touch
– 25’ Hip Cradle
– 25’ Straight Leg Raise
– 25’E Crossover w/Reach
– 25’ Super Lunge
* With the remaining time, demo the movements and brief the flow for the E.S.D piece. Allow athletes to grab water and get situated.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
Every 1:15 for 24 Alternating Rounds: (12:00-42:00)
Interval 1: 16/13 Calorie Ski
Interval 2: 120’E Single Arm KB Farmer Carry (2X: 30’ Down + 30’ Back) (70/53)
Interval 3: 25 Sit-Ups (or 18 GHD Sit-Ups)
Interval 4: 120’E Single Arm KB Front Rack Carry (2X: 30’ Down + 30’ Back) (70/53)
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: 14/11 Calorie Ski, KB (53/35), 20 Sit-Ups
* Level 1: 12/9 Calorie Ski, KB (35/26), 10-15 Sit-Ups
* See workout notes below.
* Allow 4:00 to move into accessory work.
3.) 8:00 Alternating EMOM: (46:00-54:00)
Minute 1: :40 Alternating Shoulder Taps in Plank
Minute 2: 20-30 Russian Twists w/WB (20/14)
* Allow 3:00 for athletes to transition into adaptation.
4.) (57:00-60:00)
Minute 1: :45 Pretzel (R)
Minute 2: :45 Pretzel (L)
Minute 3: :45 Seated Forward Fold
E.S.D. Notes:
The intervals are lengthened from our typical EMOM format so that we can start to use longer time frames to complete denser sets. Expect progressions to build off particular movements on a weekly basis. You should be able to complete the required work within 1:00 so that you have a minimum of :15 to move to your next station.
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