CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 2 Rounds (0:00-12:00)

– 2:00 Machine of Choice

– 8E Prone IYTW (

– 8E 90/90 Shin Box Rotations w/Hip Lift (

– 8E Elbow on Knee Shoulder External Rotation (

– :30 Wall Sit w/Single Leg March (

* With the remaining time, demo any movements and allow athletes to prepare for BURN.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

2.) BURN (12:00-32:00)

Every 5:00 for 4 Rounds:

– 30’ Bear Crawl Forward + 30’ Bear Crawl Reverse

– 7 Single Arm KB Suitcase Deadlift (R)

– 5 Single Arm KB Clean (R)

– 3 Single Arm KB Push Press (R)

– 30’ Single Arm KB Overhead Carry (R)

– 7 Single Arm KB Suitcase Deadlift (L)

– 5 Single Arm KB Clean (L)

– 3 Single Arm KB Push Press (L)

– 30’ Single Arm KB Overhead Carry (L)

– 30’ Bear Crawl Forward + 30’ Bear Crawl Reverse

* See workout notes below.
* Allow 5:00 for athletes to cool down a bit before moving to gymnastics skill work.


3.) Skill Development: Handstand Walking (37:00-47:00)

10:00 Practice on Handstand Walking Progressions

– Single Arm Balance (Pike on Box or Floor) (Preferably on Box for Stacked Hips over Shoulders)

– Shifting Progression (Box/Floor in Plank) (Lifts, Shoulder Taps, Hip Taps)

– 90-180E Degree Box Walks (Box/Pike)

– Kick-Ups (Assisted w/Partner)

* Videos to reference: ( (

* See workout notes below.


4.) (50:00-53:00)

Minute 1: :20E Thread the Needle

Minute 2: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 3: :45 Puppy Pose


E.S.D. Notes:

This is meant to be a Kettlebell “Flow” so choose a moderate weight (Recommended: 53/35) that you can move with a high level of control and confidence. Take the Bear Crawls at a steady and controlled pace with square hips and shoulders. Imagine you’re a literal Bear in the woods trying to sneak up on your unsuspecting prey. Sneaky sneaky. Each set of bear crawls should take less than a minute with your single arm kb flow sets also taking less than a minute. This should have athletes finishing each round <4:00 with a minimum of 1:00 REST. Gymnastics Notes:
Even if you have an athlete in class that has handstand walking, practicing these basics will help refine technique and a better stacked position for movement efficiency. Athletes can start with different things but the first should be getting everyone in a pike position on the floor or box to practice shifting weight.