
Murph WOD and BBQ on Monday 5/30: We are running 4 heats staggered every 30 minutes (9:30am, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am). There will be a 25 MEMBER limit on each heat. Your friends and families CAN workout in your heat. This means there will potentially be more than 25 people in each heat but will give us a rough limit on athletes. You, as a MEMBER, MUST register for a time slot. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN on 5/30 for the heats. 

CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 1 Round (0:00-6:00)

– 1:00 Row/Bike/Ski

– 30’ Quad w/Reach

– 30’ Knee Hug to Inverted Toe Touch

– 30’ Bear Crawl (Slow)

– 30’ Super Lunge (World’s Greatest Stretch)

– 1:00 Ski/Bike/Row

* Allow 6:00 to brief E.S.D, demo any movements, and for athletes to grab their gear.


2.) BURN

You can have athletes start at different stations but athletes will use ONE light DB that they will take with them to perform each movement and station. Suggested prescribed weights would be a 25/15lb DB.

* Allow 2:00 for athletes to transition into adaptation after the last metcon.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2a.) 8:00 AMRAP: (12:00-40:00)

– 9/7 Calorie Row

– 8E DB Single Leg Contralateral RDL (

– 8E DB Single Arm Upright Row (

* REST 2:00 before progressing to 2b.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2b.) 8:00 AMRAP:

– 8/6 Calorie Bike

– 8E DB Goblet Reverse Lunge (8R + 8L) (

– 8E Single Arm Turkish Sit-Ups w/DB (

* REST 2:00 before progressing to 2c.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2c.) 8:00 AMRAP:

– 9/7 Calorie Ski

– 8E DB Side Plank Rotations (

– 8E DB Pull Through in Plank (


3.) (42:00-45:00)

Minute 1: :45 Standing Straddle

Minute 2: :45 Cat/Cow Transitions

Minute 3: :45 Child’s Pose