CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1a.) Before Class Hour

– LAX Ball: Trap/Pec/Rhomboids (Scap)

– Prone Single Arm Reach-Roll-Lift: 10E (Slow + Controlled)

– Half Kneeling Single Arm Banded Face Pull: 2 X 15E (w/:02 Pause)


1b.) 1 Round (0:00-12:00)

– 1:00 Row/Bike

– 10E Prone IYTW

– 8 Single Arm Bent Over KB Row (R)

– 5 Single Arm KB Strict Press (R)

– 30’ Single Arm OH KB Carry (R) (or :20 OH March in Place)

– 8 Single Arm Bent Over KB Row (L)

– 5 Single Arm KB Strict Press (L)

– 30’ Single Arm OH KB Carry (L) (or :20 OH March in Place)

* Use the rest of the time to brief S.F.P, demo any movement necessary, and allow athletes to prepare.


2.) Strict Press/Pendlay Row: Every 2:00 for 8 Sets (12:00-28:00)

Sets 1-4: 4 Strict Press w/70% 1RM

Sets 5-8: 4 Pendlay Row (

* See workout notes below.

* Allow 6:00 to brief E.S.D and allow athletes to adjust the weight on their barbell for the workout.

Shoulder Press

Pendlay Row


Strict Cindy (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 strict pull-ups

10 hand-release push-ups

15 air squats
3a.) (34:00-54:00)

* Goal: 12+ Rounds

* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: 4-8-12 Rep Scheme (Banded Pull-Ups if necessary)

* Level 1: 3-6-9 Rep Scheme (Banded Pull-Ups if necessary) (Push-Ups on knees if necessary)

* See workout notes below.

* Allow 3:00 for athletes to prepare for Adaptation.


4.) 3:00 EMOM (57:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :20E Rig Assisted Calf Stretch

Minute 2: :45 Couch (R)

Minute 3: :45 Couch (L)


S.F.P. Notes:

All sets of strict press will be performed before pendlay row. Have athletes pull barbells out of the rack after the final set and immediately place them on the floor. Pendlay rows are performed from a dead stop on the floor for every rep and completed by rowing the elbows down and back in as deep of a ROM as possible.

E.S.D. Notes:

We are moving through a strict version of the classic Crossfit Benchmark workout “Cindy”. This aligns with our theme in our cycle for continuing to strengthen our foundation. You DO NOT have to RUSH through this workout, yet treat this as a way to perform reps with a FULL ROM using the 20:00 to accumulate a solid amount of QUALITY volume.