CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

1.) READY: 1 Round (0:00-8:00)

– 1:00 Bike

– 1:00 Row

– 1:00 Shuttle Run (30’ Down + Back)

– 12E Deadbug

– 5 T-Inchworm w/Push-Up

– 5 Sumo Squat to Stand w/:03 Hold in Bottom

* Allow athletes 8:00 to get stations ready. You can have athletes start at different stations and rotate clockwise.


Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

2.) BURN: “Ying Yang” (16:00-36:00)

2a.) 3:00 AMRAP: (REST 1:00 then proceed to next AMRAP)

– 7/5 Calorie Row

– 7 Lateral Burpees over Rower

2b.) 3:00 AMRAP: (REST 1:00 then proceed to next AMRAP)

– 120’ Shuttle Run (2X: 30’ Down + Back)

– 10 Russian Twists w/WB (Athletes Choice)

2c.) 3:00 AMRAP: (REST 1:00 then proceed to next AMRAP)

– 7/5 Calorie Ski (Substitute for 7 V-Ups if needed)

– 7 American KB Swings (Moderate)

2d.) 3:00 AMRAP: (REST 1:00 then proceed to next AMRAP)

– 7 DB Hang Power Clean (Moderate)

– 7 DB Bench Press (Moderate)

2e.) 3:00 AMRAP: (REST 1:00 then proceed to next AMRAP)

– 7/5 Calorie Bike

– 5E KB Goblet Reverse Lunge (Moderate)

* Allow athletes 5:00 to cool down and clean up equipment.


Warm-up (No Measure)

3.) ADAPTATION: 6:00 Alternating EMOM (41:00-46:00)

Minute 1: :20E Twisted Cross

Minute 2: :20E Thread The Needle

Minute 3: :40 Down Dog + Up Dog Transitions