CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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1.) 2 Rounds (0:00-8:00)

– 1:00 Machine of Choice (Row/Bike)

– 8E Bird Dog w/:01 Pause at Extension

– 6E Lateral Box Step Ups

– 4 T-Inchworm + Push-Up + Downdog

* Allow 3:00 for athletes to grab water and barbells.

2a.) CLEAN + JERK Specific Warm-Up: 3 Rounds w/Empty Barbell (REST :30 between) (11:00-18:00)

– 3 Tempo Clean Pull (:03 Floor to Hips w/Shoulders covering barbell)

– 3 Position Power Clean + Front Squat (Dip, Knee, Mid-Shin/Floor)

– 3 Split Jerk

* Allow 5:00 for athletes to build to 50% 1RM of their 1RM C+J


The Bella Complex (Every 2:00 for 5 Sets (23:00-33:00))

Find your heaviest load for the following unbroken complex:

1 Clean

1 Shoulder to Overhead

1 Front Squat

1 Shoulder to Overhead
* Allow 10:00 for workout briefing and for athletes to clean up barbells, grab water, and prepare for E.S.D.


Crossfit Games Open 19.3 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)

200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge 50lb/35lb

50 dumbbell box step-ups 24in/20in

50 strict handstand push-ups

200-ft. handstand walk

Time cap: 10 minutes
* Level 3: RX

* Level 2: DB (40/30), Kipping HSPU

* Level 1: DB Racked Lunge (30/20), Kipping HSPU OR DB Strict Press (2 DBs), Bear Crawl


4.) 4:00 EMOM (56:00-60:00)

Minute 1: :50 Lizard (R)

Minute 2: :50 Lizard (L)

Minute 3: :25E Twisted Cross

Minute 4: :50 Puppy Pose


S.F.P. Notes:

Start at 50%-60% of your 1RM Clean + Jerk on this complex. Work up to a “Heavy” complex for the day that you can hit confidently. You can attempt to max this out ONLY if you are feeling good and moving efficiently. Be smart. The Open is right around the corner.

E.S.D. Notes:

Set two cones up 25’ apart. Make it a point to switch arms BEFORE you feel any sort of shoulder fatigue. DO NOT keep the dumbbell on one side for more than (2) 25’ bouts (50’ total) just so you can mitigate shoulder fatigue and be as ready as possible for the strict hspu. Roll through DB Box Step Ups as smoothly and efficiently as possible. If you need to rest, do it ON TOP of the box for a quick second or two. When those feet are both on the ground, get back up on the box. We need to maximize time for strict hspu and the HS Walk to follow. Break the HSPU into VERY SMALL and manageable sets with quick rest. We want our turnover time to be very quick on these reps to reduce time under tension. When getting to the handstand walk, press out those arms to get as stacked as possible to be efficient.