CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
FOAM ROLL/ SMASH: Calf/ Anterior Tib/ Lats/ Back
BANDED: Hamstrings
2 Rounds:
– :30E Single Leg Stand (eyes closed)
– 10 Cuban Press w/PVC or very light change plates
– 25’E Lateral Monster Walks
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds (0:00-8:00)
– 150M AARunner (200M Standard Run)
– 8E Bird Dog
– 8E Tall Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Press
– 6E Single Leg KB RDL + High Pull
– 6 Tempo KB Goblet Squat (:03 Eccentric)
* Allow 3:00 for athletes to put equipment away and grab barbell specific warm-up.
Clean & Jerk (6 x 1 )
A.) Specific Warm-Up: 3 Rounds w/Empty Barbell (REST :30 between) (11:00-15:00)
– 3 Tempo Clean Deadlift (:03 Floor to Hips w/Shoulders covering barbell)
– 3 Position Clean (Dip, Knee, Mid-Shin/Floor)
– 3 Split Jerk
* Allow 5:00 for athletes to build to 60% 1RM.
B.) CLEAN & JERK: Every 1:30 for 6 Sets (20:00-29:00)
– 1 Clean + Jerk w/60%+ 1RM (Building)
* Start at 60% of your 1RM and gradually build to a heavy Clean and Jerk for the day.
* Allow 6:00 to clean up barbells, grab dumbbells, and brief E.S.D.
Metcon (Time)
“Trident” (35:00-55:00)
4 Rounds for Time:
– 300M AARunner (400M Standard/Outside)
– 20 HSPU
– 12 Devils Press (50/35)
* Level 3: RX
* Level 2: 12 HSPU, DB (40/30)
* Level 1: 20 DB Push Press, DB (30/20)
* Goal: Sub 16:00, Time Cap: 20:00
* Coach Notes: Move at your 1-Mile Pace on the run to allow you to get right on the DBs and move through those Devil Press. HSPU should be scaled so that you are able to complete in no more than 4 sets, but the goal would be to perform unbroken for as long as possible.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3:00 EMOM:
Minute 1: :30E Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
Minute 2: :30E Lizard
Minute 3: :30E Eagle in Saddle
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