CrossFit ATR – CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
1 Round:
200m Run
10 Burpees
10/10 DB Rows
10 Walking Lunges
Then, start walking lunges
(18 Minute Cap – including DB Strength)
DB Lunges (4 x 16 Walking Lunges (increasing))
Highway to Hell (Time)
For Time
5/4 mile Assault Air Bike (in 2 minute max intervals)
After each 2-minute interval, if the 5-mile goal is not met, perform:
50 Air Squats
40 Butterfly Sit-Ups
30 Push-Ups
The athlete must perform 2-minutes on the air bike. After the 2 minutes are up, if the 5-mile target distance is not yet complete, the athlete must get off of the air bike and perform the air squats, push-ups, and sit-ups. Then, immediately start the next 2-minute air bike interval. Repeat until a cumulative 5-mile distance is completed. Score is the total time it takes to complete the cumulative 5 miles.
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