CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

December 4th Save the date!! CrossFit ATR’s 9th anniversary holiday party!!! Theme: Summer in December! What is more San Diego than wearing Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts in the middle of Winter?!?! Potluck style, BYOB… more details to follow 😉

Thanksgiving Schedule:
Thursday (Thanksgiving): Bring your family and friends to get a workout in before the feasting begins 8:30am!

Friday: 9:30am and 10:30 am (also open to friends and family)

View Public Whiteboard


2 Rounds

20 Banded Lateral Steps

20 Walking Lunges

:10 Hanging L-Hold

5 GHD Hip Ext (3 Second pause @top)


Metcon (Time)

In teams of 2 (you go – i go):

16 Rounds:

7 Deadlifts (165/115lbs) RX+ (225lbs/155lbs)

15 Pull-ups

15/12 Calories (Bike Ski or Row)
(long steady WOD!)