CrossFit ATR – Megan Trezza

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2 Rounds:

3 Sided plank (:30 per side)

4 Perfect Lunges w/ Rotation

10 Walking Lunges

20 Banded Lateral Steps

DB Lunges (50′ x 4 Rounds)

(ss) with:

:15 Hanging L-Hold

10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (20-25lbs)


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Open with, 2 Rounds of:

10 Russian KBS (35-44lbs)

15 GHD Sit-ups

15 Calories (Bike Ski or Row)


100 Single Unders

30 Push-ups

10 Box Jumps (20″)

30 Push-ups

100 Single Unders

Close with, 2 Rounds of:

10 Russian KBS (35-44lbs)

15 GHD Sit-ups

20/ 16 Calories (Bike Ski or Row)

GHD Sit-ups with weighted straight leg sit-ups

Double Unders with single leg single unders