CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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Metcon (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

10 Pace Perfect Lunge w/ Rotation

5 Burpees w/ 1′ Vertical Jump

3 Sided Plank (:30 per)

5 Inchworms w/ 1 Push-up

10 Cossack Squats

Choose your own Adventure:

Choose one of the following that bests fits your current training limitations

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

800 Meter Run

100 Deadlifts (135/95lbs)

800 Meter Run

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

800 Meter Run

100 Kettle Bell Swings (American or Russian – add note in comments)

800 Meter Run
This can be American Swings (overhead) or Russian Swings (shoulder height) depending on the kettle bell load you have at home.


62/44lbs and up should attempt Russian Swings

62/44lbs and under should attempt American Swings

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

800 Meter Run

100 Alternating Single Leg RDL’s

800 Meter Run
This video has some great ques for quality RDL patterns.

Video Breakdown for Single Leg RDL: