CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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10 Minute Amrap:

100m Run

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats


Metcon (Time)

Buy-in: 1000m Row

5 Rounds of:

10 Strict Pull-ups

20 Honest Push-ups

100m Blue Collar Carry

Rx: Slam Ball 40/30, KB 62/44

Rx+: Slam Ball 80/50, KB 71/53
25 minute timecap

Honest Push-ups: Chest to deck with a pause at the top lockout for 1-second, every rep.

Blue Collar Carry: Slam Ball on shoulder, with a KB Suitcase Carry on the other side

Accessory Work

Metcon (Weight)

4 Rounds of:

10 DB Curls (same time)

-superset with-

10 DB Skull Crushers
*try to choose a moderate weight

same for each movement) and try to go all 4 rounds without resting. Keep rest minimal if there is any.

Log weight as the dumbbell size (single DB).