CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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200m Run

10 Cossack Squats

15 GHD Hip Extensions

25 Hollow Rocks

10 Scap Pull-ups

5 Big Kips

20 Banded Squats

:30 Pigeon and Couch Stretch (per side)


Back Squat (Build to a heavy 5 )

15 Minutes


Metcon (Time)

100/80 Calorie Row

*EMOM 4 Toes-to-bar

100/80 Calorie Bike

*EMOM 5 DB Strict Press (40/25)

Rx+: 4 HSPU
25 minute timecap

Sub for 4 T2B: 8 V-Ups

Bikes by the wall for HSPU/DB Press, Rowers on the opposite side for T2B

*You will get the whole first minute to acquire calories before starting T2B

*If you have not cleared your prescribed Calories by the end of minute 14 switch to the next movements.