CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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100m Run

5 Double Push-up Inchworms

100m Run

10 Scap Push-ups

15 Banded Face Pulls

100m Run

5 Strict Pull-ups

10 GHD Hip Extensions

100m Run

5 Toes-to-bar

0:30 Hollow Hold

Skill Development

Learning the Kip + the importance of scapular retraction in Pullups


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Every 2:30 x for 10 Rounds:

200m Run

10 Pull-ups

20 Push-ups

Rx+: with 20 lbs. weight vest
Score: Successful Rounds completed. No rounds can be rested. Perfect Score: 10 Rounds

Scale down to 5 Pull-ups and 10 Push-ups if you cannot complete the first round in less than 1:45.

If you start RX+ and the clock beats you on any round, strip the vest for the remaining rounds.