CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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The week of Wrestlemania 35 (April 7th), we will be doing pro-wrestling week, much like our “Superhero Week” at ATR. This is Kurt Angle, an Olympic gold medalist and WWE Hall of Famer. Even though he doesn’t make “Pro-Wrestling Week,” we felt he still deserved to be honored.


EMOM warmup

(1) Double Unders

(2) GHD Hip Extensions

(3) Front Plank

(4) Banded Ext. Rotations w/ Press

(5) Cossack Squats

(6) 0:30 Side Plank / side

(7) Air Squats


Atlas Stone to Shoulder (Build to heaviest)

Be sure to bring long sleeves!
15 minutes


Kurt Angle (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

21 minute AMRAP of:

10 DB Push Press (40/30)

15 Back Squat (135/95)

20 D-Ball over Shoulder (40/30)

30 Double Unders

*squats are from the floor
21 minutes for 21 championships (the amount he’s won). DB Push Press for throwing people out of the ring and his signature ‘you suck’ chants, back squats for his “Angle Slam,” D-ball over shoulder for his german suplexes, and double unders because all amateur wrestlers warmed up on jump rope.

Kurt Angle won the Olympic Gold medal in the 1996 Olympics and did it with a broken neck! Angle was voted as “Wrestler of the Decade” for the 2000s.