CrossFit ATR – CrossFit

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Fight Gone Bad (3 Rounds for reps)

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball Shots (Reps), 20#
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps), 75#
Box Jumps, 20″ (Reps)
Push-press (Reps), 75#
Row (Calories)
1-minute rest


Perfect Lunge w/ Rotation (50′)

5 Inchworms

10 Cossack Squats

10 Wipers

10 Scorpions


4 Rounds: (2:00 on 1:00 off)

Round 1: 200m Run with remaining time max Front plank Hold

Round 2: 20 Cal Bike with remaining time max Double Unders

Round 3: 200m Run with remaining time max burpees

Round 4: 20 Cal Bike with remaining time max Russian KBS (53/35)or(44/26)


The remaining time to be spent foam rolling and stretching. Coaches will guide you.