CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North – CrossFit

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10 Banded Ts

15 Band Pull Aparts

15 Scap Pull-ups

10 PVC Passes

15 GHD Hip Extensions

10 Wipers / side

5 Burpee Broad Jumps

10 DB Rows / side (moderate)

10 DB Hang Squat Cleans (light-moderate)


Weighted Pull-ups (3-3-3-3-3)

15 minutes

All pronated grip


Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds of:

15/12 Calorie Bike

15 Ring Rows (feet level with bottom of ring)

15 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)
Be mindful of your set-up with barbells, bikes, and rings.

Scale weight to one which you can perform a set of 15 unbroken to start from the high hang.

Accessory Work

DB Hammer Curls (4×15 @ YOUR PICK)

1:30 rests between sets